Introducing the Phantom Flex4K-GS

Built upon the established Phantom Flex4K cinema camera platform, the new Flex4K-GS incorporates a global shutter with its 4K, 9.4 megapixel, 35mm sensor. The camera’s 4K resolution results in the ability to capture sharp, detailed images for optimal image quality and enhanced measurement precision.
The main difference between the Flex4K-GS and the original Flex4K is the addition of a global shutter mode. This enables the camera’s use for industrial and scientific applications where a rolling shutter cannot be used due to possible motion artifacts and the progressive scan behavior of each exposure. While rolling shutter cameras typically achieve higher dynamic range and lower noise, the way the electronic shutter integrates can create motion artifacts, making high precision measurements impossible. The Flex4K-GS has the unique ability to switch between global and rolling shutter modes to take advantage of both scenarios.
The Flex4K-GS is available with a white housing (standard) or with the cinema-style black housing, and upgrades from existing Flex4K cameras are available.
Key Features
- Full resolution 4096 x 2304
- Up to 1,000 fps at 4096 x 2160
- Global shutter (GS) mode, switchable to rolling shutter (RS) mode.
- Phantom CineMag IV recording media (1TB & 2TB)
- Lens mount: Interchangeable between Nikon F/G, Canon EF and PL mounts.
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